White Echoes


We dance barefoot across frozen waters

Feverish tears burning on winter cheeks

Our bodies splintered in neat rows of crimson

lacing scarlet into icy lakes and tracing sadness into pale sky

White echoes haunting the soundless storm

Our feet glitter and blaze on glacial surface

We clutch each other’s hands and listen to our heat

as we slowly melt into the echoes

Sealight Dreams


Two bodies holding hands under the sea

Pearly skeletons lost in marine moments

Decayed mermaids swaying in indigo water

Concealed in an aura of tranquility that moves in silent ripples

lovers of the ocean drowning in Sealight dreams


Princess of the Sand

The princess of the sand stands still

A motionless figure small against an orange sun

Abandoned in arid vastness and lost in boundless space

Cactus heart pounding slowly

Dry fingers tracing over cracked lips

A decayed smile parched of emotion

The princess of the sand fades into vacant heat



Listen to winter fall from the sky.

Listen to snowflakes drift to the Earth.

Listen to the winter flowers bloom.

Listen to the color of gold mornings.

Listen to the hazy silence of peace.

Listen to the smile that dances on your face.


Don’t listen.

Don’t listen to the soft musings of impeding storm.

Don’t listen to the cries that echo from frozen worlds.

Don’t listen to the girl drowning in blinding white.

Don’t listen to the boy lost in the wind.

Don’t listen the ice crystals pound on hopeless souls.

Don’t listen to the bruised howls of glacial midnight.

Don’t listen to your own reflection hollow in this starlight.

Monarch Dreams


In vast worlds of unconsciousness a girl runs with butterflies

Hands wave in silent wind and hair flies in foggy memory

Feet pound on footstep loitered sand and the ocean vanishes in hazy horizon

A lonely shadow dances; flickering dark onto silvery surface

Inky charcoal and deep orange wings spiral into pastel sky

In dream the girl soars in pale universe and soft stars


Clocks Beyond the SunAbstract Time

A phantom of colors that haunts our lives

Whispers in our ears and tickles our skin

embedded in the universe and cradled among its stars

implanted in our cells; in the core of our DNA

An immortal flame that lives beyond all suns

An abstract concept that man has painted with order

Spiraling numbers that wash into seasons

Create snow white winters and yellow summers

An endless ticking that teaches our bodies the rhythm of life

Even when you can no longer hear it

Time controls you

Controlling Time

Tarnished DreamsIn tarnished spirals of dream a girl imagined she could control time

She whispered of memories bronzed in dusty sunlight glow and fabricated them to flimsy life

She traced the outlines of time and burnished them in gold

She believed she had ended the pointless shatter of seconds on hard concrete floor

She thought she had glazed every hour in brilliant diamond

But she blinked and splintered a second

Dangerous Beauty

Beautiful chocolate eyes filled with endless stars

Deep midnight eyelashes and warm coconut skin

The most profound perfect that resonates to the depths of your soul

You hold his hand and your heart sings of love

You trace his features, memorizing his lips, the sound of his heart, the curve of his spine

Your smile is constant, your laugh pure, you are summer in the middle of snow

You dance together and relish each other in the envious world

He cloaks you in words of fierce passion

A miraculous flaming red an infinite sunset stretching out over days

He cradles you and whispers in your ear soft tunes of I love you

You never notice the cold creeping in

You never notice the others fading into the shadows

You notice only him and the starlight in his eyes

You listen only to him and the melody of his voice

He gets angry and you blame yourself

A knife in your shaking hands

Scarlet on the whiteness of your arm

It’s your fault because it could never be his

Your smile washes away, drifts from your face and flies to the clouds

Your mouth becomes a straight line

Colorful dresses morphing into grey long sleeves

He remains an angel with stars in eyes

Ominous Time

Running from Time

A little girl runs toward a vast stretch of ocean

The sea calm as her heart thunders against her chest

The sand still as she speeds across it

The sky serene as her muscles begin to ache

The waves crash in a tranquil rhythm as her breath becomes jagged

The Earth watches unruffled as exhaustion makes her body throb and hit the ground

Nature is peaceful as fatigue closes the woman’s eyes

Blue Moments

Swimming In Blue Moonlight

An ocean of sapphire light illuminating a breathless sky

Swirling clouds of memory drifting across a blue horizon

A blurry figure lost in blinding reflection gliding barefoot into aquamarine foreboding

Indigos and Prussian blues coalescing in melancholy melody

Water and moonlight dancing in azure


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