
I fell in love with words from the moment I heard my first stories. The times when Papa or Mama read out loud were sacred; I relished listening to their melodious voices along with the magical images that the words fabricated in front of me. When I learned how to write in first grade I knew it was a passion that I would never lose. Instead of playing outside with the other kids I read or fantasized about fictional characters. I was quiet, reserved, and trembled every time I was forced to speak.

When I was in twelve I was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, which destroyed my childhood to the point where for a time I forgot how to smile. Anorexia still haunts me and the deep self-loathing that I also had continues to wash over me in waves of depression. I write for recovery, to relish in the darkness of the mind, to find beauty in sadness, to diminish some of the pain of life, and simply because I love to write. I marvel at the power of words.

156 thoughts on “About

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  1. Hi Marlene, thank you for stopping by and liking my blog post. I too love words and agree that they are most powerful. I’ll be sure to return to your blog to check out your latest posts. Thanks again!

  2. Hello, Marlene — I’ve been noticing for weeks that you are clicking the “like” button on my haiku and decided it was way past time for me to say “Thank You.” It is very gratifying for me as a haiku poet to see my work appreciated by one whose own poetry is so mature in every way! I thank you sincerely for taking the time to drop by, read, and “like” my haiku! 🙂 Comment any time!

    With Respect and Admiration,

    Ron — http://randalane.wordpress.com

    1. I love your hakius; the short yet beautiful snapshot of a moment that you manage to capture so perfectly. You have the ability to paint a whole story with only a few words, an envious talent. Thank you for taking the time to read some of my own poems.
      With equal Respect and Admiration,

  3. You are very kind, and I am honored by your compliment! May you have peace and continued success in your writing. 🙂



  4. Everything you do is stunning. Beautiful work. I hope you keep struggling towards the light and leave this spectacular art in your wake. ❤ all the best

    1. Thank you for commenting and following my blog. I read a few of your poems. They are terribly beautiful and striking with accurate emotion. I am always struggling toward light, but for now I am comfortable to stay in this somewhat grey color, a mix of dark and light.

      1. Hm, thanks for the compliments and your honest reply. I definitely understand the grey and I only encourage brightness because I hope others will be happier than I have been. Treat yourself as well as you can today, lovely.

  5. “I write for recovery, to relish in the darkness of the mind, to find beauty in sadness, to diminish some of the pain of life, and simply because I love to write. I marvel at the power of words.”

    I love it. I feel the same way.
    Looking forward to following your blog and catching up on your prior posts.
    Nice to meet you.

  6. I sometimes feel the same way, as if my writing is the only thing keeping me sane. And the power of words is so marvelous… have you read Madeleine L’Engle’s works? Even if you’re not Christian. The prose is just plain lovely. (I do not say Lewis and Tolkien because just about everybody has read their books. 😉 )

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and like two of the posts on my little blog. I am so grateful for the connection and for your path having converged with mine. I have read a couple of the poems on your blog and I love your work, and your story. I had a similar shyness growing up, to the point that it was a daily battle to get me to go to school, because I was so terrified. I started modeling, mostly runway, with some editorial print, to overcome it; I also went through a very long period of unhealthy body weight, and anorexia to keep up with the demands of the industry.

    These experiences have affected my self-worth and body image my entire life-to this day. I am getting better on the inside slowly here, in the process of finding my writing voice again on my blog-but my physical form is going to be the last one, and the most difficult to repair-but I must do it, to be whole. I am very passionate about these things-and I can tell that you are so, as well. I look forward to reading more of your blog and I am now following you!

    Blessings and Light to you,


    1. I am very thankful that Leon (from SolitaryThinkers) recommended your blog to me, because otherwise I would never have been able to read both your stunning poems. I was immediately captivated by their profound and almost otherworldly beauty. I am incredibly glad that you were able to share more about yourself with me, because it makes your poems even more compelling because I know from what dark places they were born from. Shyness is still an ever present battle for me and before this blog I rarely shared anything personal about myself. Anorexia is a terrible sickness no matter in what form it comes in and rarely do the people that suffer from it deserve to. Writing for me is always healing because it feels like I am letting all the poison flow out of me, all the dark thoughts that used to fester inside my soul and it wonderful that you are able to experience that feeling of relief as well.

      I will now be following you too,

      1. Lily,

        Many thanks for this lovely comment. Leon is a dear brother, and I am thankful to him as well for his fellowship and for his kindness in the recommendation. I am grateful to have been able to cross our paths and connect in this way, and I humbly thank you for your words and praise.

        I am glad that your blog is also a balm of the soul for you. Expression in this way is a very amazing and odd…and wonderful experience. One that has enriched my life and I can see that it has yours as well.

        Light be with you,


  8. a truly beautiful blog, your photographic art is superb and soulful poetry resonates with one who dwells in the grey. i just wanted to visit a bit to ty
    for liking my poem, encouragement is always greatly appreciated.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I am glad that you took the time to read so many of my poems and leave such a kind comment.

      Your poem, “over the wall” was deeply moving and flowed nicely with the mood of “Stubborn Love”.

  9. I am absolutely loving your poetry, you are a very gifted poet! I feel the same way about words as you do and find writing to be incredibly cathartic. I look forward to reading more! 🙂

  10. hi, thanks for liking my poem! 🙂 and I love your blog! it’s very artistic, I just love it the way you design it, hehe 🙂

    a girl with the veil.

  11. Hi… thank you so much for liking quite a lot of my poems and writings 🙂 so nice of you. I too write to heal myself, and perhaps help those in similar situations to heal themselves. Following!

  12. Hello,
    I just dropped by to thank you for the like on my most recent writing- it means a lot to me, especially from such a wonderful writer as you. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by my little blog.

    Thank you!

  13. Just stopping by to thank you for your recent like on Shift Key and to peruse your wonderful site, which I’m enjoying very much.

  14. Fabulous story. Know you are strong, let yourself have your childhood now! 🙂 thank you always for the likes.

  15. Thank you for the like on my page. Your blog is beautiful! I haven’t read much but it seems it may be hauntingly beautiful and honest. I look forward to what may come!

  16. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog – I truly appreciate it. Just from your about page, I can tell you have a way with words. Looking forward to exploring your blog.

  17. Thank you very much for liking my blog, I really appreciate it. Also I am happy that you managed to overcome the Anorexia, I myself went through major depression and so I know, to an extent, what it feels like. Stay strong, Chin up, keep writing!

  18. i really like your blog, despite some layers of sadness. i wish you well & many smiles. I really liked you photos/collages. are they ones you created? if so how? i like your writings too. you seem very gentle. i am sorry for your sufferings. my only measure on your pain is watching someone i loved deeply go through it. it destroyed her & many things i once knew were solid. i hope you feel the warmth of a strangers friendship that comes through this note. best wishes. ed x

    1. Thank you so much for this beautiful comment and all the kindness in it! I did indeed make the photos/collages, using photographs from online and then putting them together in photoshop. I hope your friend/loved one will be healed someday or enjoy the same moment of warmth your comment gave me. Thank you.

  19. 🙂 🙂 🙂 pleasure. 🙂 & coolio on the pics – really like them! 🙂 & maybe one day she will. thank you for your beautiful happy reply. 🙂 big hearty smiles to you x

      1. I am just now finding my comments! pity, pity! Maybe by the end of the century I’ll get the handle on this blogging affair. 🙂 Anyhow you are welcome to email if you wish. Right now I am troubleshooting my http://www.flowersfromonhigh.com/ perhaps you can find some interesting things I have learned about me & us all. 🙂

  20. I, too, have been blessed in many ways by the power of words. May that power continue to comfort, heal, and challenge you to open yourself to a wholeness larger than your suffering and pain. Peace! ~Dennis

  21. Hi Marlene, I’m sorry to hear about your suffering. I’m sure you’ve heard the cliche about suffering making you stronger. I could have killed every person who said that to me, even though they meant well. Now that I’m older I think it just may be true – provided you survive. So keep on writing. It’s the best therapy in the world. I look forward to reading your work. Stephen

  22. Marlene,
    Thanks for stopping and liking by blog,
    Due to your kind gesture i am able to find such authentic and beautiful blog like this,
    Keep posting your thoughts and keep this blogger community vivid.

  23. I use my written word to say what I can’t say out loud. It’s releases my pent up depression, anxiety, and anger. Glad to see others who have a relationship with the words they write.

  24. It takes courage to write; even more so when baring our souls. Keep writing. Keep dreaming. Keep smiling. The beauty of soul is relishing in it’s nakedness.

  25. Thanks for the visit and like of Thursday Twirl. I hope it added some levity to your day, as well as an exercise for your tongue. Tomorrow won’t be so alliterative, but be ready to scream . . .

  26. Brautiful. There is beauty in sadness. For sure… and power in words..especially ones written to soothe our own soul. I love c what you wrote here. And thank you for reading my words. Namaste, Laurie

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